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Look I know you would love to have a little insight on the man behind the mischeif but honestly this is me. Just check out my state of mind.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Making Moves

Yo my big brother is making a coming up by fixing my mother's sink. His girl, my sister-in-law just became the VP of this game call Big Money Cash and my moms just made a come up buying the Essence mag. Lol, naw to get serious, making moves or also called come up are important in your life. My best friend Ace, yes we are talking about a guy here no homo, has just found him a new job that will help him save up enough money to move out to Atlanta. My boy Philly is planning on going into business for himself and make a lot more dough. I'm still skateboarding and I'm also leaving Arkansas this Saturday to attend School in Atlanta once again. Only this time I nothing coming back to my home state until I get on my own two feet. I feel good about the things me and my friends are doing. To those I did not mention, you know you still on my mind. This is just a blog to encourage others. Look life is life, you are the one who comes to make it a good life or not. So sit down today and think about some goods moves you came make to make you happy in your own state of mind. One more shout out to my homie Key Key, go check her out at http://keynewsspot.blogspot.com/. Thank you all for reading and God Bless.

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